Imagine this scenario. You’re walking home late at night and notice someone about 10 feet behind you. You keep walking, quickening your pace. The last thing you want is a confrontation, but would you be able to defend yourself?
The smartest response to a threat is to avoid violence at any cost. Don't be ashamed in running, especially when it means you can get away. But there are simple self-defense moves you can learn that might come in handy one day.
To start, there is a discussion on how good self defense is not just physical. There is a mental component that includes self awareness and being perceptive when in different situations.
Secondly, participants learn and practice simple yet effective moves and strikes to counter their attacker's advances. Learning about where to strike is just as important as how.
We do not currently offer a weekly class that just focuses on self-defense. However, our kickboxing/mma class does focus on defending yourself, while getting a great workout.
Call or email to set up a time for a group or private self defense lesson(s). Classes are catered to the group and most focus on women's self defense, college campus prep., and men's defense (from bar room attacks to weapon defense).